The inner critic, it whispers to us. Sometimes, it yells things too. It can all be very overwhelming and unsettling to feel as if you can’t accomplish things you would like to because your inner critic has taken over the space in your mind. This part of our mind brings on destructive thoughts and a lot of times leaves you spiraling, especially if you are already someone who struggles with anxiety and depression.
The inner critic can impact your self-esteem, your self-confidence, your relationships, and even possibly your performance at work or school. These thoughts give into and cater to self-criticism as well as moving you further and further away from developing strong self-trust.
There is hope, push back against your inner critic being loud. You don’t have to stay in a place where you are feeling stuck. Challenging these negative thoughts with facts, affirmations, and mindful practices.
1) Work towards being aware of your inner critic when it pops up, acknowledge what is going on within your mind.
2) Speak to yourself with kindness and compassion. Speaking to yourself like you would a good friend or someone you care about is allowing grace and understanding.
3) Look for evidence in what your inner critic is saying to you, is there truth there? Or is your inner critic making stuff up? If there is no truth to what it’s saying proceed to 4…
4) Give yourself permission to release the thoughts. Yes, permission to let the thoughts go. Remind yourself, these feelings or thoughts are not facts.
5) Look to move into statements that are more realistic for your personal expectations as well as statements that build for you. Statements like the visual on the left here.
6) Last but certainly not least, practicing mindfulness and meditation. If these are not things you practice regularly, thats ok, you can learn and build on them. There are so many resources that can assist you with getting started. One could be calm.com (app).
Know that your inner critic does not have to be in control, you can take control back. With some very intentional practices, the voice doesn’t have to be as loud and overwhelming. You can overcome your inner critic.
Written by: Kenitres Wiley, M.S., LPC
Sunshine and Hurricane Counseling